Sunday 22 January 2012

Kale and Onion Pizza with Spicy Merguez Chips

Kale and Onion Pizza 
by Carol

Substitutions: None

Rating: 8/10

The base: We followed the recipe for Hugh’s magic bread dough to make the base (as recommended) and it was so easy! You need a bit of time (2 hours) to let the dough rise, so you wouldn’t do it after work, but other than that the rest of it is very simple. However, the recipe tells you to make enough for 3 pizzas and freeze the rest so we did. Now we can have homemade pizza anytime! The base turned out really well. Nice and thin but not too crispy or oily.

The topping: It is delicious! There is no tomato sauce on the base which is weird for a pizza but Hugh says it’s to emphasis the usual flavour of the kale and it totally works. It’s not dry at all but I have no idea why! I would never have thought of using kale and onion as a pizza topping but it was really, really nice. We added the optional mushrooms on there too and they were great.
I would definitely make this again and would really recommend it! 

Spicy Merguez Oven Chips

Substitutions: Loads.
All the spices I used were ground and not seeds.
I didn’t use fennel seeds or caraway seeds at all
I used chilli powder instead of cayenne pepper
I didn’t make the yoghurt dip and just used mayo instead!

Rating: 6/10

They were nice but I don’t think all the million and one spices really added that much to the flavour. I have made wedges before and they were just as nice. At the start of the recipe Hugh says to boil the chips for 1 minute. 1 minute! I did it but I felt like a fool and I think I was. It was a total waste of time as the cooking time is 40 minutes anyway so this is plenty of time for a potato to soften.
I would make wedges again but I’m not sure I’d bother following this recipe.

Photos: Courtesy of Ben Smith


  1. OMG that pizza has totally kicked off my carb cravings. It sounds like an odd topping choice but it looks deleeeecious!

  2. You should give in. It is so worth it! Really healthy too because it's mostly leaves. But really tasty ones.

  3. I want this pizza! Kale and onion as the ONLY toppings sounds kind of weird, but it looks super yum-yum.

    Even if the spicing isn't great, yoru wedges look good!

  4. Could you please mark this blog as not safe for work. I'm in danger of shorting out my keyboard.

    Wouldn't the fennel seeds and caraway seeds be the main flavours for the chips?

    We've just tried the roasted lemon cauliflower and while still crunchy, is far better than plain boiled cauliflower. Even our 18month old enjoyed it.
